

公告主旨 2023「科技女孩計畫」甄選申請
發佈日期 2022 年 10 月 20 日
發佈單位 校長室
公告類別 最新消息, 學生園地
公告等級 重要
點閱次數 791



想要讓妳的2023暑假更充實嗎?想和具前瞻性的業師和指導老師互動, 學習STEM 技能, 和其它國家的科技女孩交流嗎? 那就千萬不要錯過這次難得的機會趕快點擊下方連結報名吧!


✅申請資格請見 AIT官網:https://www.ait.org.tw/……/the-2023-techgirls……/

The 2023 TechGirls Program is now open for applications!

TechGirls is a U.S. Department of State international summer exchange program that aims to empower girls from around the world to pursue an education and career in science and technology. If you are a girl between 15-17 years of age and are interested in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM), please submit your application to take advantage of this unique opportunity to travel to the United States to develop your STEM skills. The 25-day program will take place starting in July 2023 and includes participating in an interactive technology and computer camp at Virginia Tech University, followed by community and career exploration in several U.S. cities, alongside a seven-month mentoring program both before and after the exchange. So don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable skills, interact with industry-leading mentors and trainers, and meet with fellow TechGirls from around the world.

✅Application Deadline: December 16, 2022

✅For eligibility, please visit: https://www.ait.org.tw/the-2023-techgirls-program-is……/

#girlsinSTEM #girltechleaders #tech #TechGirls #TechWomen
